How does Care work?
Registered clients ring the Care number (07824 833863). This is a central telephone number which, during duty hours, redirects calls to the number of that day's duty officer. The duty officer is a volunteer who sits in their home and receives the requests from callers. They will then take down details of the request together with the name, address and phone number of the client before contacting a duty driver, a volunteer who has undertaken to cover the requests for the required day.
The duty officer works from a driver roster. Immediate contact with the appropriate duty driver may not prove possible so advance notice is essential. On particularly busy days more than one volunteer driver (taken from a supplementary list) may be called upon. The duty officer keeps records of the requests and they will confirm whether or not requests can be accommodated. The volunteer driver will also make contact with the client to arrange a mutually convenient time.
No charge is made for our services, but drivers carry a box for donations. We work on the principle of what a client can afford or what they think the service is worth. Donations are used to cover our administrative costs and mileage allowances.
When Can Care be Contacted.What exactly is Care in Shepperton.