Duty Driver.
A Duty Driver is someone who is willing to provide transport using their car on journeys arranged by Care.
Duty Drivers are normally on duty one day (Monday to Friday) a month. The Duty Driver will select their next day of duty from the available dates in the duty roster held by the Duty Officer.
Jobs are allocated and notified to the Duty Driver in advance of their day on duty. The number of jobs allocated does not normally exceed four, but this will depend on the type and estimated duration of the jobs. Duties will normally finish by mid-afternoon, but occasionally may involve an early start or late finish.
Most of our jobs are to local medical facilities, health centres, dentists, Ashford or St Peters Hospitals. Occasionally we are asked to go further afield e.g. Woking or Guildford. Drivers are free to refuse a job if they feel it is not appropriate for them. Where possible we try to accompany the client all the way to their appointment and remain with them, before returning. Sometimes it is more appropriate to leave them and return later. The Duty Driver has an opportunity to discuss the possible options with both the Duty Officer and the client at the time that the job is allocated.
All Drivers receive full ongoing advice and assistance and mileage allowance may be claimed.
Being a Duty Driver with Care is a very rewarding job. Clients are most appreciative of the service given and you get to meet some of the characters living in the Shepperton area as well as being able to help, at first hand, many of those who have contributed a great deal within our community during their more active years.
Backup Driver
A Backup Driver is someone who is prepared, when available, to use their car to provide transport for jobs when no Duty Driver is available or when the Duty Driver is occupied with another client.
When the need arises, Backup Drivers are contacted by the Duty Officer to see whether they are available to undertake a specific job. There is no commitment to be available for any particular period; if the Backup Driver is unavailable, the Duty Officer will try someone else.
This role is suitable for people who are unable to make a regular commitment but who, nevertheless, want to help their local community in some way.