CARE in Shepperton is legally obliged to follow certain rules relating to any personal data that it stores or uses whether in hard copy or on a computer, memory stick, disc or mobile phone. This policy sets out the guidelines that all volunteers must follow to comply with those legal rules .
What personal data is covered?
- Client Details (names, addresses, telephone numbers and email) either in paper files, on computer and on mobile phone - we make it clear that their purpose is to provide information to drivers to help them look after the clients and for emergency purposes. We also specify that we will not disclose their details to a third party except in an emergency.
- Volunteer personal details (names, addresses, telephone numbers and email and possibly details of criminal offences) either in paper files or on computer - it is understood that we need to keep these details on file to operate the Scheme.
- Photographs of clients/volunteers taken for website or advertising material - stored on phones/computer/memory stick or disc.
Some items are stored in the CARE in Shepperton Office in a bag, or Committee members’ personal computers / phones / memory sticks or discs.
Obligations about the personal data
- The personal data must only be kept for the purposes set out above and not used for any other purposes.
- The personal data is confidential and must be stored safely and securely:
- the Office in a Bag must be handed over from one volunteer to the next personally and not left with any third party;
- the personal data must not be shown or given to any third party (except in an emergency);
- any computer or mobile phone holding any of the personal data must be protected by a secure pass code.
- The personal data must not be kept for longer than is necessary:
- Client Details Forms must be destroyed if clients withdraw from the CARE in Shepperton scheme, upon notification of the death of a client or if the client has not used the Car Service for more than two years.
- Volunteer personal details will be deleted when the volunteer leaves the CARE in Shepperton scheme.
- Photos of volunteers or clients must not be stored for longer than they are needed for the administration of the website or to produce ID badges.
The Data Protection Lead appointed by CARE in Shepperton Committee will carry out an annual review to ensure that this policy is being followed. A copy of this policy will be given to all volunteers when they join CARE in Shepperton.